Consumer Goods » Food, Beverages & Tobacco » Local Foods | Food labeling: important product claims to U.S., 2014

Food labeling: product claims U.S. consumers look for 2014

Product claims U.S. consumers look for on food labels while grocery shopping in 2014

The data illustrates the results of a nationally-representative telephone survey conducted by the National Research Center from April 17 to April 21, 2014. U.S. adult consumers were asked if they look for any product claims on food labels while they are shopping for groceries. Over half of respondents stated that look for the claim 'natural' on food labels during their shopping trip.

Locally grown 66
Natural 59
No artificial growth hormones 50
Pesticide-free 49
Organic 49
Nor artificial ingredients 48
Non-GMO 40
No antibiotics 39
Certified humane 36
Fair trade 31