Consumer Goods » Food, Beverages & Tobacco » Local Foods | U.S. primary supermarkets: consumers' importance of locally grown produce and packaged goods 2014

U.S. primary supermarkets: consumers' importance of locally grown produce 2013-2014

U.S. consumers' importance of locally grown produce and packaged goods when selecting their primary grocery store in 2013 and 2014

The data shows the results of an online survey conducted in October and November 2014. About 902 U.S. chief household shoppers were asked to rate the importance of having locally grown produce and packaged goods available when selecting their primary grocery store. In 2014, 43.4% of U.S. consumers rated the availability of locally grown produce as a very important feature for choosing their primary supermarket.

Very important 44.2 43.4
Somewhat important 43 43.6
Not too important 9.5 9.1
Not at all important 3.3 3.9