The data displays the sales of Nestlé in Asia, Oceania and sub-Saharan Africa (AOA) from 2011 to 2017, by product categories. According to the report, Nestlé's Zone AOA's sales of powdered and liquid beverages amounted to approx. 5.96 billion CHF in 2017.
2011 | 5371 | 5097 | 2448 | 1693 | 682 |
2012 | 6038 | 6675 | 2704 | 2732 | 726 |
2013 | 5868 | 6814 | 2835 | 2659 | 675 |
2014 | 5059 | 4957 | 2244 | 1969 | 563 |
2015 | 4979 | 4932 | 1969 | 1947 | 511 |
2016 | 5841 | 5214 | 2305 | 2016 | 528 |
2017 | 5956 | 5262 | 2453 | 2014 | 539 |