Consumer Goods » Food, Beverages & Tobacco » Private Label Market | U.S.: Usage frequency of store brand deodorant / anti-perspirant within 7 days 2017

Usage frequency of store brand deodorant / anti-perspirant in the United States 2017

U.S. population: How many times have you used store brand deodorant / anti-perspirant in the last 7 days?
Created with Highcharts or more times7 times1 - 6 timesNone00.250.50.7511.251.51.75

The data displays the usage frequency of store brand deodorant / anti-perspirant in the U.S. in 2017. According to the data, 1.15 million Americans used store brand deodorant / anti-perspirant 8 or more times within a week in 2017.

8 or more times 1.15
7 times 1.26
1 - 6 times 1.44
None 1.38