Consumer Goods » Food, Beverages & Tobacco » Sustainable Food Industry | Eco-friendly actions among U.S. adults by age group 2016

U.S. adults views on sustainable actions by generation 2016

Likeliness to take eco-friendly actions among U.S. adults as of March 2016, by generation

The data shows the likelihood of U.S. adults taking eco-friendly steps to help the environment, as of March 2016, broken down by age group. During this period, some 62% of Millennials were likely to turn off the water to be eco-friendly, whereas 84% of those 55 and older reported doing the same.

Turn off lights 67 88
Turn water off 62 84
LED lightbulbs 53 68
Energy efficient
41 60
Reusable bags 41 50
Buy organic food 36 19
Recycle electronics 36 57
Bike/walk when possible 35 18
diesel car
25 8
Carpool 24 6