Consumer Goods » Furniture » IKEA | Number of stores of the IKEA Group worldwide 2016, by region

Number of stores of the IKEA Group worldwide 2016, by region

Number of stores of the IKEA Group worldwide in 2016, by region

The data illustrates the number of stores of the IKEA Group worldwide in 2017, by region. In that year, Europe had a total of 275 IKEA stores throughout the continent. IKEA is a privately held, international home products company that designs and sells ready-to-assemble furniture such as beds, chairs, desks, appliances and home accessories. The company is the world's biggest furniture retailer.

IKEAIKEA is an internationally known home furnishing retailer. It has grown rapidly since it was founded in 1943. Today it is the world's biggest furniture retailer, recognized for its Scandinavian style.

Europe 275
North America 56
Asia 47
Middle East
and North Africa
Australia 10
Caribbean 1
Total 403