Consumer Goods » Non-alcoholic Beverages » Arla Foods | Global revenue share of Arla Foods by product group 2013-2016

Global revenue share of Arla Foods in 2013-2016, by product group

Global revenue share of Arla Foods from 2013 to 2016, by product group

The data displays the global revenue share of Arla Foods by product group from 2013 to 2016. In 2014, the dairy company based in Sweden and Denmark generated 25% of its revenues from cheese sales.

Milk, yoghurt, powder and cooking 45 45
Cheese 23.4 25 25 26
Other (e.g. non-dairy products) 7.9 7 8 15
Butter, spreads and margarine 13 13 13 14
Milk powder 9.5 10 8 0
Whey products 3.4 3 4 0
Fresh milk products 42.8 42 42 0