Number of Starbucks stores in Canada 2005-2017

Number of Starbucks stores in Canada from 2005 to 2017

The data displays the number of Starbucks stores in Canada from 2005 to 2017. In 2017, there were 1,083 company-operated stores in Canada.

Number of international and U.S. Starbucks storesStarbucks in Canada - additional information Starbucks is the leading coffee chain worldwide in terms of both revenue and store numbers. The company was founded in Seattle, Washington in 1971 and opened its first Canadian store in Vancouver in 1987. As of 2016, there were 1,460 Starbucks stores open in Canada. Despite being the biggest coffee chain worldwide, in Canada, Starbucks is second to the country’s own coffee chain, Tim Hortons, which has more than 3.

2005 118 434
2006 178 508
2007 234 627
2008 231 731
2009 262 775
2010 274 799
2011 284 836
2012 300 874
2013 397 940
2014 462 983
2015 349 1009
2016 364 1035
2017 377 1083