Consumer Goods » Non-alcoholic Beverages » Coffee Market in India | India - tea and coffee export values 2017

Indian tea and coffee exports by value 2010-2017

Value of tea and coffee exports from India between 2010-11 and 2016-17 (in billion Indian rupees)

The data describes the export value of tea and coffee from India between 2010-11 and 2016-17. In 2012-2013, the export value for both tea and coffee was over 47 billion rupees.

2010-11 33.54 30.1
2011-12 40.79 45.35
2012-13 47.19 47.11
2013-14 48.73 47.99
2014-15 41.71 49.73
2015-16 47.2 51.3
2016-17 49.3 56.7