Consumer Goods » Non-alcoholic Beverages » Coffee market in the Nordics | Sweden: favorite type of coffee or coffee drink 2017

Survey on favorite type of coffee or coffee drink in Sweden as of August 2017

What is your favorite type of coffee or coffee drink?
Created with Highcharts 5.0.1432.532.513.613.612.612.612. filter coffeeEspressoFilter coffee with cold milkCappuccinoCaffè latteFilter coffee with warm milkMacchiatoBoiled coffeeOther01020302.557.512.51517.522.52527.532.535

The data displays the result of a survey on the favorite type of coffee or coffee drink in Sweden as of August 2017. During the survey period, roughly 33% of respondents stated that they usually drank black filter coffee. Espresso was a coffee drink preferred by approx. 14% of respondents. Nearly 13% of Swedish respondents preferred to drink filter coffee with cold milk.

Black filter coffee 32.5
Espresso 13.6
Filter coffee with cold milk 12.6
Cappuccino 12.1
Caffè latte 8.7
Filter coffee with warm milk 8.3
Macchiato 4.4
Boiled coffee 3.9
Other 3.9