Consumer Goods » Non-alcoholic Beverages » Coffee market in the Nordics | Sweden: revenue of Anders Löfberg 2012-2016

Revenue of Anders Löfberg 2012-2016

Revenue of AB Anders Löfberg from 2012/13 to 2015/16 (in million Swedish kronor)

The data displays the revenue of AB Anders Löfberg from 2012/13 to 2015/16. During this period, the Swedish coffee roaster's revenue increased from approx. 1.5 billion Swedish kronor in the financial year of 2012/13 to roughly 1.9 billion Swedish kronor in 2015/16. Anders Löfberg's coffee brands such as Löfbergs or Peter Larsen Kaffe, are sold in Northern Europe, in the Baltic states and in the UK.

2012/13 1546
2013/14 1535
2014/15 1745
2015/16 1906