Consumer Goods » Non-alcoholic Beverages » Soft drinks in Canada | Non-alcoholic beverages top categories by sales in Canada 2016

Select non-alcoholic beverages dollar sales in Canada 2016, by category

Top non-alcoholic beverages based on sales value in Canada as of 2016, by category (All amounts are reported in millions of Canadian dollars, except where otherwise noted)

The data displays the leading non-alcoholic beverages based on sales value in Canada as of 2016, by category. In the 52 weeks ended April 30, 2016, flavored soft drinks were ranked first among all categories, with a sales value amounted to approx. 1.34 billion CAD.

Flavoured soft drinks 1341.6
Coffee-roast and ground 1290.63
Juices and drinkes (shelf stable) 956.14
Flat water 519.6
Tea 231.47
Carbonated water 171.07
Instant coffee 157.87
Vegetable juice 124.53
Extreme energy drinks 120.52
Flavoured drink mixes 85.86