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Vets attitudes to pet ownership issues in the UK 2016

Veterinary professionals views on issues concerning pet ownership and choosing a pet in the United Kingdom in 2016

The data shows the proportion of vets and vet nurses who agree with various issues concerning pet ownership in the United Kingdom, from a survey conducted in 2016. Of responding veterinary professionals, 98% agreed that anyone breeding puppies should be licensed and regulated to meet certain standards.

Pet shops should give species specific advice before and during sale of pets 99
Anyone breeding puppies should be licensed and regulated to meet certain standards. 98
Online sales of pets should be regulated. 96
Owners should face tougher penalties if their dog attacks another person or animal 95
Owners should face tougher sentences for animal welfare offences 95
The UK is a nation of animal lovers. 90
Prospective owners should pass a test before taking on a pet. 84
Fireworks should be regulated to allow use for licensed events or on certin days only 78
Dog licences should be reintroduced. 75
Pet insurance should be compulsory for all owners. 62
The UK pet owning public's knowledge regarding how to care for their pets has increased in the last five years 46