Consumer Goods » Tobacco » Electronic Cigarettes (E-cigarettes) | Role of e-cigarettes in smoking cessation in U.S. by type, 2015

U.S. smokers: role of e-cigarettes in smoking cessation 2015, by type

Which role did e-cigarettes play in smoking cessation?

The data shows the results of a survey conducted between November and December 2015. Electronic cigarette smokers in the United States were asked which role e-cigarettes played in their smoking cessation. In that year, about 64% of respondents indicated that they started using e-cigarettes with the intention of quitting smoking.

Started using e-cigarettes with the intention of quitting smoking 64
Started with the intention of merely reducing smoking but ended up switching entirely 25
Started using e-cigs without the intention of quitting or reducing smoking but ended up switching entirely 11