Consumer Goods » Tobacco » Electronic Cigarettes (E-cigarettes) | Share of methods in U.S. to quit smoking, 2015

U.S. e-cigarette users: share of methods used to quit smoking in 2015, by type

Which methods have you used to quit smoking?
Created with Highcharts 5.0.148181717141412121212188Had tried unaided quittingHad tried to quit using NRTHad tried to quit using some otherpharmaceuticalsHad tried to quit using some other pharmaceuticalsHad tried formal counselingHad tried calling a quitlineVolunteered some other methodthey triedVolunteered some other method they tried020406080100

The data shows the results of a survey conducted between November and December 2015. Electronic cigarette smokers in the United States were asked about the methods they have used to quit smoking. In that year, about 21% of respondents indicated that they had tried calling a quitline.

Had tried unaided quitting 81
Had tried to quit using NRT 71
Had tried to quit using some other pharmaceuticals 41
Had tried formal counseling 21
Had tried calling a quitline 21
Volunteered some other method they tried 8