Consumer Goods » Tobacco » Tobacco Industry | World tobacco production by country

Tobacco production by country worldwide 2016

Leading tobacco producing countries worldwide in 2016 (in thousand metric tons)

The data displays the worldwide tobacco production in 2016, by country. In that year, China was the largest tobacco producer worldwide with an amount of some 2.8 million metric tons of tobacco produced.

Tobacco production Tobacco is a plant product containing mainly nicotine, cellulose, ammonia, and protein. In order for tobacco to be suitable for human consumption, the tobacco leaves are dried and cured after picking them at the plant and separating them from their stems. Various tobacco goods can be manufactured from the processed dried leaves including cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco and shisha tobacco.

China, mainland 2805.62
India 761.32
Brazil 675.55
United States of America 285.18
Indonesia 196.15
Zimbabwe 172.27
Zambia 124.64
Pakistan 116.16
United Republic of Tanzania 102.47
Argentina 93.67