Internet » B2B E-Commerce » Alibaba Group | Alibaba: quarterly mobile revenue 2015

Alibaba: quarterly mobile revenue 2012-2015

Alibaba's mobile shopping revenue from 2nd quarter 2012 to 2nd quarter 2016 (in million yuan)

The data presents Alibaba's mobile revenue volume from the second quarter of 2012 to the second quarter of 2016. As of that quarter, the group's mobile shopping revenue amounted to 17.51 billion CNY, which translates to 2.64 billion USD.

Q2 '12 42
Q3 '12 60
Q4 '12 140
Q1 '13 147
Q2 '13 240
Q3 '13 332
Q4 '13 1171
Q1 '14 1162
Q2 '14 2454
Q3 '14 3719
Q4 '14 6420
Q1 '15 5247
Q2 '15 7987
Q3 '15 10520
Q4 '15 18746
Q1 '16 13084
Q2 '16 17514