Internet » B2C E-Commerce » E-commerce in India | India: leading e-commerce categories 2013

India: leading e-commerce categories 2013, by sales

Sales volume of the most popular distance selling categories in India in 2013 and 2018 (Figures expressed in millions of euros)

The data describes the sales volume of the most popular distance selling categories in India in 2013 with projections regarding 2018. In 2013, Indian distance selling users spent more than 236 million euro on apparel and footwear purchases.

Apparel and footwear 236.5 514.4
Consumer electronics, computers and equipment 601.6 1038.1
Media products (books, CDs, DVDs etc) 217.6 565.8
Housewares and home furnishings and textiles 0 0
Food and beverages 0 0
Household and consumer appliances 91.6 114.3
Beauty and personal care 3.1 9.8
DIY and gardening 0 0
OTC drugs and dietary supplements 16.9 51.4
Traditional toys and games 6.6 18.4
House cleaning (detergent, chastener etc) 0 0