Internet » B2C E-Commerce » E-commerce in the United States | Leading U.S. Android retail app reach 2018

Leading Android shopping app reach in the United States 2018

Market reach of the most popular Android retail apps in the United States as of June 2018
Created with Highcharts 5.0.1419.6619.6610.5710.578.798.796.326.326.036.034.664.664.434.434.24.23.563.563.563.56eBay: Shop Deals - Home, Fashion & ElectronicsWalmartBarcode ScannerGroupon - Shop Deals, Discounts & CouponsWalgreensZappos – Shoe shopping made simpleWish -  Shopping & Free Gifts for New UsersAmazon ShoppingcPro: Buy. Sell. Date. Rent. Jobs - FREERetailMeNot - Coupons, Deals & Discount Shopping0246810121416182022

The data presents the market reach of the most popular Android shopping apps in the U.S. as of June 2018. During the measured period, Shared2you found that Walmart had a 10.57% reach among Android mobile users in the U.S.

eBay: Shop Deals - Home, Fashion & Electronics 19.66
Walmart 10.57
Barcode Scanner 8.79
Groupon - Shop Deals, Discounts & Coupons 6.32
Walgreens 6.03
Zappos – Shoe shopping made simple 4.66
Wish -  Shopping & Free Gifts for New Users 4.43
Amazon Shopping 4.2
cPro: Buy. Sell. Date. Rent. Jobs - FREE 3.56
RetailMeNot - Coupons, Deals & Discount Shopping 3.56
Target - now with Cartwheel 3.28
Postings (Craigslist Search App) 2.99
Etsy: Handmade & Vintage Goods 2.76
Amazon for Tablets 2.53
Key Ring: Cards Coupon & Sales 2.41
Best Buy 2.36
Overstock – Home Decor, Furniture Shopping 2.13
The Home Depot 2.07
Sam's Club: Wholesale Savings 1.95
ShopSavvy Barcode & QR Scanner 1.84