Internet » B2C E-Commerce » E-commerce in the United States | U.S. online shoppers distribution by HHI 2017

Distribution of U.S. online shoppers 2017, by household income

Distribution of online shoppers in the United States as of December 2017, by household income (in USD)
Created with Highcharts 5.0.1441413232191988Under 50,00050,000 to 100,000100,000 to 150,000Over 150,00001020304050

The data describes the distribution of online shoppers in the U.S. as of December 2017, sorted by household income. According to the findings, 41% of U.S. online shoppers had a household income of less than 50,000 USD.

Under 50,000 41
50,000 to 100,000 32
100,000 to 150,000 19
Over 150,000 8