Internet » B2C E-Commerce » E-commerce in the United States | U.S. product purchase channels online retailers 2017

Leading channels to purchase products from online retailers in the United States 2017

Which of the following channels do you use today when buying products from an online retailer?
Created with Highcharts 5.0.146767323231312727242423232323222221212020WebsiteRetailer's mobile appEmailSocial mediaPhysical storePhoneMessaging appVoice-enabled digital assistantChat or IMSMS/text051015202530354045505560657075

The data depicts the various channels U.S. shoppers use when purchasing products from an online retailer as of August 2017. According to the findings, the channel with the highest usage share were websites, with 67% of U.S. shoppers reporting their use while purchasing from an online retailer.

Website 67
Retailer's mobile app 32
Email 31
Social media 27
Physical store 24
Phone 23
Messaging app 23
Voice-enabled digital assistant 22
Chat or IM 21
SMS/text 20
Video chat 20
Other 12