Internet » B2C E-Commerce » E-commerce in the United States | U.S. technological capabilities online retailers appeal by age 2017

Appeal of tech capabilities offered by online retailers in the United States 2017, by age

Which of the following artificial intelligence (AI) or other technology capabilities would appeal to you if offered by a retailer?
Created with Highcharts 5.0.143535242428282222212121211717181815151515303023231919212118181818161613131212111123231414111110101111111177888877Ability to search merchandise in a physical store or online catalog usi…Ability to search merchandise in a physical store or online catalog using an image, and receiving product recommendations based on the attributes of that image Automated SMS/text or mobile push notifications (i.e., to notify me of…Automated SMS/text or mobile push notifications (i.e., to notify me of physical store sale events, new products or promotions, products back in stock, etc.) personalized based on my preferences Personalized offers in a digital channel (i.e., email, mobile app,website) based on my purchasing historyPersonalized offers in a digital channel (i.e., email, mobile app, website) based on my purchasing history Mobile walletsPersonalized offers in a digital channel (i.e., email, mobile app,website) based on my browsing activity in the retailer’s website and/orappPersonalized offers in a digital channel (i.e., email, mobile app, website) based on my browsing activity in the retailer’s website and/or app Personalized offers provided by an associate in a physical store basedon my purchasing historyPersonalized offers provided by an associate in a physical store based on my purchasing history Order delivered by dronePersonalized offers provided by an associate in a physical store basedon my browsing activity on the retailer’s website and/or appPersonalized offers provided by an associate in a physical store based on my browsing activity on the retailer’s website and/or app Social media sentiment analysis to identify and resolve customerservice and satisfaction issuesSocial media sentiment analysis to identify and resolve customer service and satisfaction issues Customer service chatbots01020302.557.512.51517.522.52527.532.53537.5

The data depicts the appeal of artificial intelligence or other technological capabilities offered by retailers according to U.S. shoppers as of August 2017. According to the findings, 35% of Millennials stated their interest in having the ability to search merchandise in a physical store or online catalog by using an image and receiving product information based on the attributes of that image, while in comparison only 30% of Generation X and 23% of Baby Boomers reported similar appeal of such technology offered by retailers.

Ability to search merchandise in a physical store or online catalog using an image, and receiving product recommendations based on the attributes of that image 35 30 23
Automated SMS/text or mobile push notifications (i.e., to notify me of physical store sale events, new products or promotions, products back in stock, etc.) personalized based on my preferences 24 23 14
Personalized offers in a digital channel (i.e., email, mobile app, website) based on my purchasing history 28 19 11
Mobile wallets 22 21 10
Personalized offers in a digital channel (i.e., email, mobile app, website) based on my browsing activity in the retailer’s website and/or app 21 18 11
Personalized offers provided by an associate in a physical store based on my purchasing history 21 18 11
Order delivered by drone 17 16 7
Personalized offers provided by an associate in a physical store based on my browsing activity on the retailer’s website and/or app 18 13 8
Social media sentiment analysis to identify and resolve customer service and satisfaction issues 15 12 8
Customer service chatbots 15 11 7
Automated orders based on my previous purchase history 13 9 6
Automated orders based on connected product alerts (e.g., smart refrigerators for grocery) 13 6 5