Internet » B2C E-Commerce » E-commerce in the United States | U.S. retail site visit duration per device 2018

U.S. online retail website visits duration 2015-2018, by device

Retail website visit duration in the United States as of 2nd quarter 2018, by device (in minutes)
Created with Highcharts 5.0.14666677666666776666555555556655665555556666554444444477777777777788777755555555Q2 '15Q3 '15Q4 '15Q1 '16Q2 '16Q3 '16Q4 '16Q1 '17Q2 '17Q3 '17Q4 '17Q1 '18Q2 '183456789

The data describes the retail website visit duration in the U.S. as of the second quarter 2018, sorted by device. During the most recently measured period, U.S. online shopping audiences spent an average of 5 minutes on retail websites per desktop visit.

Q2 '15 6 6 7
Q3 '15 6 5 7
Q4 '15 7 6 7
Q1 '16 6 5 7
Q2 '16 6 5 7
Q3 '16 6 5 7
Q4 '16 7 6 8
Q1 '17 6 6 7
Q2 '17 6 5 7
Q3 '17 5 4 5
Q4 '17 5 4 5
Q1 '18 5 4 5
Q2 '18 5 4 5