Internet » B2C E-Commerce » E-commerce in the United States | U.S. mobile users: reasons for and against mobile shopping 2017

Pros and cons of mobile shopping U.S. 2017

Positive and negative aspects of smartphone shopping according to mobile shoppers in the United States as of September 2017
Created with Highcharts 5.0.146868676757575757555545454343434333333232I have no shopping problems from my mobile deviceI like that I can shop anywhere from my mobile phoneI prefer to shop on my laptop/desktop computerI find it easier to shop on a desktop/laptop becuase of the keyboardand larger screen sizeI find it easier to shop on a desktop/laptop becuase of the keyboard and larger screen sizeI never make purchases online or from a retailer's app while in thatstoreI never make purchases online or from a retailer's app while in that storeSometimes I use a retailer's app on my phone to make purchaseswhile I am in that storeSometimes I use a retailer's app on my phone to make purchases while I am in that storeThe larger keyboard and screen size on a desktop/laptop computerdoesn't matter to meThe larger keyboard and screen size on a desktop/laptop computer doesn't matter to meI prefer to shop on my mobile deviceIt doesn't matter to me that I can use my mobile device here whenshoppingIt doesn't matter to me that I can use my mobile device here when shoppingShopping on my mobile device can be frustrating051015202530354045505560657075

The data displays the positive and negative aspects of smartphone shopping according to mobile shoppers in the U.S. According to the survey, 68% of respondents report having no problems shopping from their mobile devices.

I have no shopping problems from my mobile device 68
I like that I can shop anywhere from my mobile phone 67
I prefer to shop on my laptop/desktop computer 57
I find it easier to shop on a desktop/laptop becuase of the keyboard and larger screen size 57
I never make purchases online or from a retailer's app while in that store 55
Sometimes I use a retailer's app on my phone to make purchases while I am in that store 45
The larger keyboard and screen size on a desktop/laptop computer doesn't matter to me 43
I prefer to shop on my mobile device 43
It doesn't matter to me that I can use my mobile device here when shopping 33
Shopping on my mobile device can be frustrating 32