U.S. consumer usage of mobile payments 2017

Which of the following types of mobile payments have you made using your mobile phone within the last 12 months?
Created with Highcharts 5.0.146464494944442626232319191212663322Made a mobile paymentPaid a billPurchase in-app or onlineReceived loyalty pointsSent/received money (P2P)Paid in-storePaid for parking/taxi/transitWithdrew money from ATMPaid by text messageSent money internationally0510152025303540455055606570

The data presents the U.S. consumer usage of mobile payment offerings as of January 2017. During a survey of smartphone owners, 49% of respondents stated they had paid a bill via mobile.

Made a mobile payment 64
Paid a bill 49
Purchase in-app or online 44
Received loyalty points 26
Sent/received money (P2P) 23
Paid in-store 19
Paid for parking/taxi/transit 12
Withdrew money from ATM 6
Paid by text message 3
Sent money internationally 2