Internet » B2C E-Commerce » E-commerce worldwide | Average online shopping order values by device 2018

Global online shopping order value 2018, by device

Average value of global online shopping orders as of 2nd quarter 2018, by device (in USD)

The data displays the average order value of online shopping orders worldwide in the second quarter of 2018, differentiated by the type of device from which the order was made. During that quarter, online orders which were placed from a smartphone had an average value of 108.99 USD. During that period, online orders which were generated via direct traffic had an average value of 134.47 USD. Smartphones may have overtaken desktop devices in terms of retail site visits but still lag behind in terms of revenue - during the second quarter of 2018, smartphones accounted for 62% of retail website visits worldwide but only generated 42% of e-retail shopping revenues.

Traditional 153.31
Tablet 118.02
Smartphone 108.99
Other 100.22