Internet » B2C E-Commerce » E-commerce worldwide | Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Android Pay availability worldwide 2017

Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Android Pay availability 2017, by region

Availability of Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Android Pay in global regional markets as of 1st quarter 2017

The data describes the availability of Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Android Pay in global regional markets as of the first quarter 2017. According to the findings, Asia Pacific had the highest number of total active markets across all three of the payment providers. It had a recorded total of seven active markets for Apple Pay, seven for Samsung Pay, and six for Android Pay. Additionally, Apple and Android Pay had the second highest total active market presence recorded in Western Europe, with five markets for Apple and three for Android.

Western Europe 5 2 3
Central East Europe 1 1
North America 2 3 1
Latin America 1
Africa & Middle East
Asia-Pacific 7 7 6