Internet » B2C E-Commerce » Fashion e-commerce in the United States | U.S. retail e-commerce share by business 2016

Share of retail e-commerce in the United States 2016, by business

E-commerce sales as percentage of total retail sales in the United States in 2016, by business

The data displays the percentage of e-commerce in total retail sales in the U.S. in 2016, by merchandise line. During the survey period, 3% of clothing and clothing accessories store sales were generated through e-commerce. Overall, e-commerce accounted for 8% of total U.S. retail sales that year.

Due to high penetration rate of the internet in the U.S., where in 2015 more than 87% of the population had access to the World Wide Web, the e-commerce market has also registered a grow in popularity. According to a recent U.

Electronic shopping and mail-order houses 68.2
Nonstore retailers 59.6
Total Retail Trade 8
Miscellaneous store retailers 3
Clothing and clothing accessories stores 3
Motor vehicles and parts dealers 2.8
Sporting goods, hobby, musical instrument, and book stores 2.6
Electronics and appliance stores 2.2
Furniture and home furnishings stores 1
Building materials and garden equipment and supplies stores 0.6
Food and beverage stores 0.4