Internet » B2C E-Commerce » Mobile commerce in the United States | U.S. online shopping customer service channels by age 2017

U.S. shopper online retail customer service channels 2017, by age group

Most popular channels when requesting customer service from an online retailer according to shoppers in the United States as of August 2017, by age group

The data depicts the various channels U.S. shoppers use when requesting customer service from an online retailer as of August 2017, sorted by age group. According to the findings, the channel with the highest usage rate among Millennials were websites with 57% of respondents stating that used this channel to request assistance.

Website 57 53 51
Email 48 45 46
Phone 43 39 37
Chat or IM 36 25 19
Retailer's mobile app 34 28 15
Social media 31 23 12
Physical store 25 22 16
Video chat 31 20 11
Messaging app 29 20 10
Voice-enabled digital assistant 28 20 11
SMS/text 25 21 12
Other 12 10 7