Internet » Digital Payments » Cashless payments in the United States | Preferred methods to pay for purchases in the U.S. 2017

Preferred payment methods for selected items in the United States 2017

If given a choice, how would you prefer to pay for each type of purchase shown below?

The data describes the preferred payment methods for selected items in the U.S. in 2017. The results of the survey carried out in December 2017 revealed that over 47% of Americans preferred to use their debit cards to pay for big-ticket items like computers and home appliances.

Transportation (mass transit, parking fees, etc.) 50 26.5 11.5 12
Convenience store purchases 49 36.5 9 6
Coffee shops 44.5 30 8 18
Fast food restaurants 39.5 37 14.5 9
Sit-down restaurants (with waiter/waitress service) 38 38 16.5 8
Entertainment (e.g. movie theatre) 37 39 10.5 14
Gas 30.5 42 22 6
Groceries 28 49.5 16 7
Big-ticket items (e.g. computers, home appliances) 18 47.5 24 11