Internet » Digital Payments » Cashless payments in the United States | Reasons for credit card preference in the U.S. by generation 2017

Reasons for credit card preference in the United States in 2017, by generation

Why do you prefer credit cards?

The data describes the reasons for credit card preference in the U.S. in 2017, by generation. The results of the survey revealed that 72% of the Millennials preferred to use credit cards to make purchases due to rewards/points that they offered.

Rewards/points 40 72 86 87 83
Safety/security 40 24 49 54 40
Don't carry cash 37 33 27 30 28
Easier to keep track of my expenses 30 30 43 52 63
Using a debit card is risky 20 3 12 9 10
Buy big purchases that I can’t pay for all at once 13 12 20 13 25
Purchases aren’t taken out of my bank account 10 15 29 33 45
I don’t have a debit card 10 6 5