Internet » Digital Payments » Cashless payments in the United States | Attitude towards using debit cards/cash to stick to the budget in the U.S. 2017

Attitude towards using debit cards/cash to stick to the budget in the United States 2017

Attitude of Americans towards using debit cards and cash because it is easier to stick to the budget in 2017

The data describes the attitude of Americans towards using debit cards and cash because it is easier to stick to the budget in 2017. The results of the survey carried out in December 2017 revealed that over 43% of the respondents completely agreed with the statement that they used debit cards and cash because it was easier for them to stick to their budget.

Disagree completely 1.2
Disagree somewhat 4.6
Neither agree nor disagree 18.5
Agree somewhat 31.8
Agree completely 43.9