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Contactless payment usage in the UK 2016, by age

Contactless payment usage in the United Kingdom in 2016, by age group

The data displays the results of a 2016 survey in which respondents in the UK were asked if they use contactless payment. The data displays by age group who uses the technology the most. Younger respondents use contactless payments most frequently with 58% of 18 to 24 year olds and 66% of 25 to 34 year olds using the payment method. In relation to age, income also plays a large part in whether a respondent uses contactless payment with a correlation between higher household income and usage frequency. It appears with the results of this survey that the older the respondent is, the less likely they are to use contactless payment, with those aged 65 or older using the technology the least at 36%.

18 to 24 58
25 to 34 66
35 to 44 46
45 to 54 44
55 to 64 40
65 or older 36