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Payment method frequency of use in the UK 2017

Share of different payment methods usage in the United Kingdom in 2017, by frequency

The data shows the share of respondents that have either used within the last three months or more than 3 months/never different payment methods in the UK in 2017. As of 2017 cash is still "king" in terms of frequency of use with 93% of respondents agreeing that they have used cash for payments within the last three months. As large percentage of UK adults (82%) have also used a debit card (chip and PIN) within the last three months.

Cash 93 7
Debit card (chip and PIN) 82 18
Direct debit/Standing order 79 21
Bank transfer 60 40
Credit card (chip and PIN) 53 48
Contactless debit card 49 51
Contactless credit card 45 55
Cheque 31 69
Contactless using a smartphone 13 87
Contactless wearable 9 91