Internet » Digital Payments » E-commerce in Canada | Canada storing credit card information online by age 2017

Canada: online storage of credit card data 2017, by age group

Share of Canadians who store personal credit card information with a mobile app or online e-commerce site as of April 2017, by age group

The data displays the share of Canadians who store personal credit card information with a mobile app or an online e-commerce site as of April 2017, broken down by age group. The findings show that respondents aged between 18 and 34 years were the most confident storing their personal credit card data online, with 57% of respondents in this category saying that they did so. Conversely, 22% of respondents aged 65 or above said that they store their card information on a mobile app or e-commerce site, marking a significant difference between these two age groups.

18-34 57
35-44 51
45-54 37
55-64 31
65+ 22