Internet » Key Figures of E-Commerce » Amazon | Amazon: seasonal sales net income Q4 2009-2017

Amazon's Q4 income including seasonal sales 2009-2017

Amazon's fourth quarter net income including seasonal sales from 2009 to 2017 (Figures expressed in millions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)

The data displays's net income in the fourth quarters from 2009 to 2017, a comparison of the company's quarterly income including the yearly Christmas sales. In 2017, Amazon's net income of that quarter amounted to 1.9 billion USD.

Q4 '09 384
Q4 '10 416
Q4 '11 177
Q4 '12 97
Q4 '13 239
Q4 '14 214
Q4 '15 482
Q4 '16 749
Q4 '17 1900