Internet » Key Figures of E-Commerce » Amazon | U.S. Amazon fulfillment capacity by type 2017

U.S. Amazon's fulfillment capacity as of 2017 by type and total square footage

Total square footage of Amazon's fulfillment capacity in the United States as of November 2017, by type of facility (in million square feet)

The data describes the total square footage of Amazon's fulfillment capacity in the U.S. as of November 2017, by facility type. According to the findings, the facility type to have the highest capacity in terms of square footage were the fulfillment centers. Fulfillment centers accounted for 114.7 million square feet of Amazon's total fulfillment capacity.

Fulfillment centers 114.7
Sortation centers 15
Inbound cross-dock 4.7
Delivery station 4.2
Pantry/Fresh 4.1
Prime Now hub 1.9
Whole Foods distribution 1.2