Energy » Electricity » Biomass Energy | Volume of wood pellet imports by major country 2015

Volume of wood pellet imports by major country 2015

Import volume of wood pellets globally in 2015, by major country (in thousand metric tons)

The data describes the weight of wood pellet imports globally in 2015, based on select countries. During this year, the volume of Italy's wood pellet imports totaled some 1.64 million metric tons. Raw materials used for wood pellets include sawdust shavings as well as residue from chips, whole logs, and wood products.

United Kingdom 6518.88
Denmark 2076.43
Italy 1640.24
South Korea 1470.68
Belgium 988.65
Germany 434.67
Austria 367.84
Sweden 354.94
Japan 232.43
United States 207.17
Slovenia 160.36
Netherlands 140.17
France 136.79
Latvia 129.21
Switzerland 85.21