Energy » Electricity » Coal Energy | Coal sales prices top U.S. states by coal production 2016

Sales prices of coal in U.S. states with highest production 2016

Average coal sales price in U.S. states with the highest coal production in 2016 (in U.S. dollars per short ton)

The data presents the average sales price of coal in the ten leading coal-producing U.S. states in 2016. During this year, the average annual sales price of coal was 50.79 USD per short ton in Kentucky. In 2013, coal production fell below one billion short tons for the first time since 1993, but in 2015 the production rebounded again to just over one billion short tons. Coal-derived energy still provides much of the U.S.' energy.

Colorado 42.54
Illinois 39.2
Indiana 44.55
Kentucky 50.79
Montana 18.84
North Dakota 17.95
Pennsylvania 47.98
Texas 19.17
West Virginia 56.2
Wyoming 13.74