Energy » Electricity » E.ON | E.ON Employee numbers 2013-2017

Number of E.ON employees 2013-2017, by country

Number of E.ON employees from 2013 to 2017, by country

The data displays the number of E.ON employees from the fiscal year of 2013 to the fiscal year of 2017, by country. In the fiscal year ending 31st December 2014, 10,210 people were employed by E.ON in the UK. By 2017, these figures had dropped to 9,504 full time equivalent employees.

Germany 22924 21640 16695 16695 15635
United Kingdom 10548 10210 9363 9363 9504
Romania 6400 6064 5415 5415 5648
Russia 5021 5331 5009
Hungary 4838 4701 4992 4992 5073
Czechia 3027 2443 2387 2387 2549
France 796 702 2412
Sweden 1967 1967 1968
United States 475 475 585
Other 2730 2512 702 702 647