Energy » Electricity » Global Energy Consumption | Per capita energy consumption in select countries worldwide 2014

Global per capita energy consumption by select country 2014

Energy consumption per capita globally in 2014, by select country (in kilograms of oil equivalent)

The data depicts energy consumption per person in selected countries in 2014, with a breakdown by country. While a person living in Norway consumed about 5.6 metric tons of oil equivalents per capita on average, Canada's inhabitants consumed almost 7.9 metric tons of oil equivalents per person.

Qatar 18562
Iceland 17916
Trinidad and Tobago 14447
Bahrain 10594
Kuwait 8957
Canada 7874
United Arab Emirates 7769
United States 6957
Saudi Arabia 6937
Luxembourg 6861
Finland 6213
Oman 6142
Norway 5596
Australia 5338
South Korea 5289
Singapore 6122
Sweden 4966
Russia 4943
Turkmenistan 4893
Belgium 4708