Energy » Electricity » Smart Grids | Siemens AG - revenue by segment 2017

Siemens AG - revenue by segment 2014-2017

Siemens AG's revenue between FY 2014 and FY 2017, by segment (Figures expressed in millions of euros)

The data displays Siemens AG's revenue between the fiscal year of 2014 and the fiscal year of 2017. In the fiscal year of 2017, the engineering and electronics company generated about 12.3 billion euro in revenue from its energy management segment.

Power and Gas 13418 16471 15467
Healthineers 12930 13535 13789
Energy Management 11922 11940 12277
Digital Factory 9988 10172 11378
Process Industries and Drives 9553 9038 8876
Mobility 7508 7825 8099
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy 5660 5976 7922
Building Technologies 5999 6156 6523