Energy » Electricity » Waste Energy in the U.S. | WTE waste capacity in the United States by key state 2016

U.S. waste-to-energy waste capacity by major state 2016

Leading U.S. states based on waste capacity of WTE facilities in 2016 (in tons per day)

The data describes the waste capacity of waste-to-energy facilities in the United States leading states in 2016. During this year, there were eight waste-to-energy plants in Minnesota which had a capacity of 4,572 tons of waste per day. The majority of facilities use a mass burn technology to combust municipal solid waste without pre-processing.

Florida 20114
New York 11131
Massachusetts 9490
Pennsylvania 8748
Connecticut 6939
Virginia 6215
New Jersey 5717
Minnesota 4572
Maryland 4050
Michigan 3925