Energy » Emissions » U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions | Volatile organic compounds emissions United States 2016

U.S. volatile organic compounds emissions 1970-2016

Volume of volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions in the U.S. from 1970 to 2016 (in thousand tons)

The data shows the volume of volatile organic compounds (VOC) missions in the U.S. from 1970 to 2016. In 2016, there was 15.86 million tons of volatile organic compounds emissions. Volatile organic compounds have a high vapor pressure at room temperatures. VOCs occur from anthropogenic sources and naturally occurring chemical compounds.

1970 34659
1975 30765
1980 31107
1985 27403
1990 24108
1995 22042
2000 17512
2005 17753
2006 17902
2007 18050
2008 17759
2009 17593
2010 17835
2011 18154
2012 17752
2013 17350
2014 16489
2015 16172
2016 15858