Energy » Fossil Fuels » Natural Resources in China | Forecast: rare earth smelting operating revenue China 2020

Forecast: operating revenue rare earth smelting China 2008-2020

Operating revenue of rare earth smelting (ICNEA 3232) in China from 2008 to 2020 (Figures expressed in millions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)
Created with Highcharts 5.0.145 3525 3524 1904 1906 5716 5717 7407 74010 95210 95212 13012 13013 00813 00813 74513 74513 91913 91914 27114 27114 54014 54014 88614 88614 76414 764200820092010201120122013*2014*2015*2016*2017*2018*2019*2020*02.5k5k7.5k10k12.5k15k17.5k

These data present the operating revenue of rare earth smelting in China from 2008 to 2012, with forecasts up until 2020. By 2016, operating revenues of rare earth smelting in China are projected to reach approx. 13.92 billion USD.

2008 5352
2009 4190
2010 6571
2011 7740
2012 10952
2013 12130
2014 13008
2015 13745
2016 13919
2017 14271
2018 14540
2019 14886
2020 14764