Energy » Energy & Environmental Technology » Indoor farming | Indoor farming and outdoor farming annual revenue per acre worldwide 2016

Revenue of indoor and outdoor farming worldwide 2016, by crop type

Average revenue of indoor and outdoor farming worldwide as of 2016, by crop type (in U.S. dollars per acre)

The data shows the average revenue of indoor and outdoor farming worldwide as of 2016, by crop type. According to the report, the average revenue of indoor horticulture (greens, microgreens, herbs, and vine crops) was about 2.17 million USD per acre, while revenue of conventional outdoor commodity crops (corn, wheat, soybean, cotton, and rice) amounted to 538 dollars per acre.

Outdoor commodity crop 538
Outdoor lettuce 12397
Outdoor tomatoes for fresh market 13202
Indoor horticulture 2169288
Indoor cannabis 4843436