Energy » Energy & Environmental Technology » The UK Electric Vehicle Industry | Factors encouraging purchase of electric cars in Great Britain 2014

Factors encouraging the purchase of electric cars and vans in the United Kingdom 2014

Thinking about the next time you buy a new car or van, whether brand new or second-hand, what, if anything, would encourage you to buy an electric car or van?

The data displays the share of responses of a survey on the main factors which could encourage people to buy electric cars or vans within Great Britain between March 2013 and February 2014. The main factor which could convince the respondents to buy an electric car or van was a good price followed by 20% of respondents saying the ability to drive further on a charged battery could convince them. However, 23% said nothing would encourage them to buy an electric car or van.

Cost 37
Nothing 23
Battery: distance travelled on charge 20
Environmentally friendly 17
Convenience of recharging 16
(Other) 11
Don't know 9
Technology: reliable/proven 8
Vehicle size, performance or aesthetics 5
Safety features/record 4
If there was more choice available 4
Resale/residual value 3