Financial Services » Banking » ATMs in Europe | Pay-to-use ATMs in the UK 2002-2016

ATMs with fees in the UK 2002-2016

Number of fee-based ATMs in the United Kingdom bi-annually from 2002 to 2016 (in thousands)

The data presents the number of fee-based ATMs in the UK bi-annually from 2002 to 2016. During this period, the number of charge-free cash machines increased steadily until 2006, after which point their numbers started and continued to decrease. As of the end of 2016, there were nearly 16.1 thousand such ATMs found in the United Kingdom.

2002 10.3
2004 21.9
2006 26.3
2008 25.3
2010 21.7
2012 20.4
2014 18.8
2016 16.1