Financial Services » Banking » ATMs in Europe | Ownership of ATMs in the UK 2014-2016

Number of cash machines in the UK 2014-2016, by ownership

Automated teller machine (ATM) numbers in the United Kingdom in 2014 and 2016, by ownership (in thousand)

The data depicts the number of independently deployed cash machines and those owned by banks or building societies in the UK in both 2014 to 2016. It can be seen that the number of independent ATM machines increased during this period, reaching a total of 39.9 thousand machines as of 2016. On the other hand, the number of bank and building society machines decreased during this period, reaching a total of 30.1 thousand machines.

Independent ATM deployer machines 35.5 38.9 39.9
Banks and Building Societies machines 33.9 31.3 30.1