Financial Services » Banking » Bank of America | Bank of America share price 1990-2017

Price of Bank of America shares 1990-2017

Price of Bank of America shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange from 1990 to 2017 (in USD)

The data describes the price of the Bank of America shares traded on the New York Stock Exchange from 1990 to 2017, as of year end. The price of the Bank of America share amounted to 29.52 USD in 2017.

'90 22.88
'91 40.63
'92 51.38
'93 49
'94 45.13
'95 69.63
'96 97.75
'97 60.81
'98 60.13
'99 50.19
'00 45.88
'01 62.95
'02 69.57
'03 80.43
'04 46.99
'05 46.15
'06 53.39
'07 41.26
'08 14.08
'09 15.06
'10 13.34
'11 5.56
'12 11.61
'13 15.57
'14 17.89
'15 16.83
'16 22.1
'17 29.52